SonicFileFinder 2.1 released

SonicFileFinder 2.1 released
December 15, 2008 Jens

SonicFileFinder is a free add-in for Visual Studio that allows a fast and convenient search for any file within every Project of the loaded Solution by entering the complete filename or just a part of it. The found file(s) can either be edited with a single keystroke or a Windows Explorer / CommandLine prompt can be opened at the file’s location.

What’s new?

Version 2.1 is a small add-on release to 2.0.

Note: SonicFileFinder now requires .NET Framework 3.5 to run!

  • ADDED: Support for F# project types. (This should also fix some problems with other strange project types.) Sadly the F# project doesn’t expose file events, like “added” or “removed”. Thus SonicFileFinder can see removed or added files only after reloading the solution.
  • CHANGED: Removed the Live Preview feature.
  • CHANGED: Split the configuration dialog into “Appearance” und “Features”.
  • FIXED: Opening a Master Page in a standard ASP.NET Web Project now opens the Master Page not the the code behind file.

Download it on the SonicFileFinder website.

Hello! I’m Jens. A User Experience Specialist and Developer based in Bonn, Germany.


  1. […] information on his blog, download on the SonicFileFinder website. Posted: Dec 16 2008, 02:37 AM by WeigeltRo | with no […]

  2. […] For those of you who use Visual Studio all day, can I suggest that you install SonicFileFinder? […]

  3. […] SonicFileFinder 2.1 Released (Jens Schaller via Roland Weigelt) […]

  4. Kevin Zink 16 years ago

    Hi Jens,

    Just wanted to say thanks for putting together SonicFinder. I got hooked on a way to quickly get to files after using Mac’s textmate – it’s really addictive and, more importantly, effective.

    Needless to say, being able to have this same functionality in Visual Studio is freakishly helpful.

    Thanks much!

  5. iguane39 16 years ago

    Hi Jens,

    this is a great plugin for VS2008.

    I have a Web Application in C#, this works pretty well, but I also have a VB WebSite Application and your plugin crashed it when I want to start the Solution.

    Do you know what’s wrong with this kind of project ?

    Do you have a issues list where all troubles are referenced ?

    Thanks for your help.


    • Jens Schaller 15 years ago

      …for replying so late, but I recognized your comment yesterday, because no notification e-mail has been send.
      I can’t stage your problem here, but I will get back to you by e-mail in a few minutes.

  6. ReTox 15 years ago

    Hi there,

    this is a great plugin – I’ve been using it from version 1.7

    However, there is one feature that will (I think) improve the usability – to display the file icon next to the name if possible.

    It will be helpful especially for web development – a lot of files have same name, but sometimes I need codebehind file, sometimes html, etc.

    Anyway, good job!

    • Jens Schaller 15 years ago

      …for your kind words!
      I’ll put the feature on the feature list, but I can’t promise anything 😉

  7. Fade 15 years ago

    thank you for this perfect tool.
    But the latest version requires framework 3.5, I cannot install it on my 2.0 + vs2005 dev machine.
    Is there a place where i can download the older versions?


  8. Proka 15 years ago

    I use it in my everyday work in Visual Studio 2008.


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