SonicFileFinder 2.0 released

SonicFileFinder 2.0 released
October 28, 2008 Jens

SonicFileFinder is a free add-in for Visual Studio that allows a fast and convenient search for any file within every Project of the loaded Solution by entering the complete filename or just a part of it. The found file(s) can either be edited with a single keystroke or a Windows Explorer / CommandLine prompt can be opened at the file’s location.

What’s new?

Version 2.0 is quite a big feature release. Besides all the new features, the performance has been increased drastically.

Note: SonicFileFinder now requires .NET Framework 3.5 to run!

  • ADDED: In Visual Studio 2008 the keyboard shortcut, for starting the search with SonicFileFinder, will now work in the source code view of the HTML editor.
  • ADDED: Unwanted files can now be excluded from the search using the same search language in the new exclusion field.
  • ADDED: The order, in which the columns of SonicFileFinder are sorted, is now being displayed underneath the result list.
  • ADDED: The font size used in SonicFileFinder can now be adjusted using the configuration dialog or hotkeys.
  • ADDED: Files using a designer, like WinForms, will now be displayed in design view when opening them with SonicFileFinder. (Code view can be forced using the context menu.) Sadly this won’t work for C++ projects and there seems to be no way to fix this.
  • ADDED: The number of found files is now displayed in the title of the popup/tool window.
  • ADDED: The history of files opened/explored with SonicFileFinder can now be saved between sessions.
  • ADDED: SonicFileFinder will now detect changes (file added/renamed/removed) in Visual Studio 2008 Website projects.
  • CHANGED: Significantly improved performance while searching.
  • FIXED: The sorting of the columns in the result list is now saved between sessions.
  • FIXED: The crashing of SonicFileFinder, which should have been fixed in Version 1.9.1, reappeared in some special cases and should have been fixed now.

Download it on the SonicFileFinder website.

Update: If you get the following error message, please download SonicFileFinder again.


Don’t forget: If you like SonicFileFinder, you might want to take a look at my amazon wishlists (US, UK, Germany).

Hello! I’m Jens. A User Experience Specialist and Developer based in Bonn, Germany.


  1. Uwe 16 years ago

    Great stuff, well done, Jens!

    • Dave 16 years ago

      Personally, I preferred the forms opening in code view. Perhaps a shortcut key (I suggest F7, just like the IDE) to open in code view so I don’t have to go to the mouse? Or possibly just make the default behavior an option?

      Anyway, this is a great product! Thanks!

  2. […] This blog post gives an overview on what’s new, the download is available on the SonicFileFinder website. Posted: Oct 31 2008, 02:06 AM by WeigeltRo | with no comments Filed under: Visual Studio, English […]

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